Saturday, October 27, 2007

Catching up this week, I finally got internet to work!


Biddie said...

Hi there! I can say that, having not been here for awhile, I think you look the same as you did a month or so ago! Maybe your hair is longer ....

Kristen said...

Now thats funny, I cut my hair a couple weeks ago and you think it is longer!!! I quit smoking 9 weeks ago tomorrow! But don't tell any one I smoked!

Cheryl said...

What!!! You smoked???!!! Get out!!!

Kristen said...

Nope I must have been dreaming!!!

Biddie said...

Congrats on the smoke-out success!!!!! Your hair also looks thicker and darker to me than it did back when you started this ....

Biddie said...

P.S. I just discovered your bird costume picture above - great outfit!! That mask is fantastic.